National Showcase Stream Overview: West Africa National Showcase Forum

West Africa National Showcase Forum The West African Energy Summit 2024
West Africa National Showcase Forum The West African Energy Summit 2024

The West Africa National Showcase Forum represents a pivotal gathering for the international oil and gas community to engage on Ministers, National Oil Companies (NOCs), and Regulators within the international oil and gas community. With a primary focus on promoting priority upstream assets, this forum serves as a strategic platform for stakeholders to engage in dialogue, collaboration, and investment opportunities in the West African oil and gas sector.

The overarching purpose of the West Africa National Showcase Forum is to facilitate the promotion of priority upstream assets to the global oil and gas community. Through comprehensive sessions and presentations, participants have the opportunity to delve into the regulatory, historical, and prospective aspects of the region’s upstream sector. Each project will be a rarely-before-seen data set that governments are looking to promote and issue licenses against.  

The Program:

The West African Energy Summit Government Showcase

4th September 2024

09:20 – 09:30


Event MC – Housekeeping and Welcome

09:30 – 10:00

Country: Republic of Ghana
Agency: Petroleum Commission Ghana
Welcome Speaker:

  • Mr. Egbert Faibille Jn, CEO Petroleum Commission

Geophysical Partner: PGS

Focus Basins: Tano Basin Overview & Keta Basin

10:00 – 10:30

Country: Republic of Gambia
Agency: Ministry of Energy and Gambia National Petroleum Company
Welcome Speaker:

  • Hon Minister Nani Jawara, Minister for Petroleum and Energy Republic of the Gambia
  • Ms. Cany Jobe, Exploration Manager GNPC

10:30 – 11:00

Country: Kingdom of Morocco
Agency: ONHYM
Welcome Speaker:

  • Ms. Asmae Benarchid, Director of Hydrocarbons Exploration, ONHYM, Kingdom of Morocco

Focus Basins: A focus on all direct negotiations for Morocco offshore.

11:00 – 11:30

Country: Republic of Cote d`Ivoire
Agency: Ministry and Petroci
Welcome Speaker:

  • Hon Minister Sangafowa-Coulibaly Mamadou, the Minister of Mines, Petroleum, and Energy of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire

The 18 opened blocks to be promoted during this summit are as follows:

  • Onshore: 4 blocks : CI-518, CI-519, CI-301, CI-302 
  • Offshore: 10 blocks : CI-500, CI-503, CI-513, CI-700, CI-701, CI-702, CI-703, CI-704, CI-710 et CI-804
  • Deep-Water: 4 blocks: CI-600, CI-601, CI-604, CI-605.

11:30 – 12:00

Country: Republic of Sierra Leone
Agency: Petroleum Directorate Sierra Leone
Welcome Speaker:

  • His Excellency Foday Mansaray, Director General, PDSL 
  • Mr. Ahmed Tejan Bah, Head of Technical Department, Petroleum Directorate Sierra Leone.

Geophysical Partner: TGS
Speaker: Ms. Felicia Winter, Head of Geoscience Africa & Middle East, TGS

Focus Blocks: Blocks 129, 130 and 131 and shallow water prospectivity.

12:00 – 12:30

Country: Republic of Burkina Faso
Agency: Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons
Welcome Speaker:

  • Hon. Minister Yacouba GOUBA. Minister of Energy, Mines & Quarries, Republic of Burkina Faso 

Speaker: Hon. Minister Yacouba GOUBA. Minister of Energy, Mines & Quarries, Republic of Burkina Faso

12:30 – 13:00

Country: Republic of Namibia
Agency: Petroleum Commission of Namibia
Welcome Speaker:

  • Ms. Maggy Shino

Focus Basins: Inside the Luderitz Basin.

  • Presenting the geology of the Luderitz Basin

Following world class discoveries in the Orange Basin, Petroleum Commission Namibia set out the prospectivity and regulatory frameworks surrounding priority blocks across the Luderitz Basin.


13:00 – 13:30

Country: Federal Republic of Nigeria
Agency: NUPRC
Welcome Speaker:

  • Dr.Kelechi, Executive Director of Nigerian Upstream Petreolum Commission

13:30 – 14:00

Country: Republic of Benin
Agency: Ministry + SNH – Benin
Welcome Speaker:

  • His Excellency Samou Seidou Adambi, Minister of Energy, Water and Mines
  • Mr. Issifou Yari, DG SNH – Benin

Geophysical Partner: PGS
Speaker: Mr. Foster Boateng, Geologist, PGS

Focus Blocks: Offshore Blocks 2, 4, 7 & 8.
Deep water Block 5 and 6

14:00 – 14:30

Country: Republic of Senegal
Agency: Petrosen
Welcome Speaker:

  • Mr. Thierno Ly, Director General, Petrosen


  • Mr. Abu Mbengue, Promotion and Exploration Director at PETROSEN E&P
  • Mr. Aresene Frederic Boissy, Promotion Manager, Petrosen E&P

Focus Blocks:

  • Yakaar-Teranga natural gas field  
  • Senegal Offshore South (SOS) 
  • Deep offshore Senegal (SOSP)

14:30 – 15:00

Country: Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Agency: Ministry of Hydrocarbons
Welcome Speaker:

  • Mr. Mo Bechir, Director General, Ministry of Hydrocarbons.

Focus Basins: The Ministry of Hydrocarbons will present partnership opportunities in high prospectivity blocks offshore Mauritania.
Focus Blocks: A special focus promoting BirAllah, a conventional gas opportunity in water depth of approximatly 8,200 feet

15:30 – 16:00

Country: Republic of Guinea Bissau
Agency: Ministry of Energy and Petroguin
Welcome Speaker:

  • His Excellency Minister Infanda, Minister of Energy, Republic of Guinea Bissau 
  • Mr. Celedonio Viera, CEO Petroguin

15:30 – 16:00

Country: Republic of Djibouti
Agency: Ministry of Energy
Welcome Speaker:

Speaker: His Excellency Mr. Yonis Ali Guedi, Minister of Energy, Republic of Djibouti

Case Study: Wind Power and Hydrogen and access to power via renewables.